She just keeps getting more beautiful every year, I love her!! 2012 was anther huge year for Nana, her biggest tour ever anther album and multiple singles. From " Rock Bound Neighbors" to " Lovely Fruit". The best of all however is the first Nana concerts of the year " NANA MIZUKI LIVE GRACE 2013 -II OUPS-"
The first live Grace back in 2011 is probably one of Nana best concerts ever. I was lucky to get tickets to this concerts almost 2 years ago. I wanted to go to OPUS II but could not get any time off from work plus its hard as hell for me to get tickets to her Lives. ( down side No. 937 for moving back to the US of A. )
Anther great part of 2012 was Nana-Chans music video for " Lovey Fruit ". I'm not a big fan of this song but the PV was great! Nana as waitress was just to hot!!
This PV had Nana being a bit more suggestive then she normally is. However I have one problem with this PV, just one small problem, No its not the more sexy Nana or the 1950's soda fountain cafe not even the 2 old folks or Nana's " big Boy " boss! My problem is this!!!
That LUCKY.... I mean little brat in the PV. Pushing Nana why she's on roller skates little punk!!! ( Lucky Punk!! ) On the other hand he is a cute kid. Also after he pushed her she had a soft landing waiting for her.
mattress save!!!
Good thing there was a mattress there to save Nana's face from becoming one with the ground. The PV was just all around great, manly for the sexy waitress Nana.
YEAH Sexy waitress NANA!!!
That dress is just hot, cute and sexy at the same time, OK I need to just get off the hole waitress thing.
Its good to see that after almost 13 years Nana Mizuki has remained the same sweet person she was from the start. I just hope that in 2013 that Nana keeps getting even higher and higher in her career. She's manged to break all the walls put up for seiyu singers, and has become one of the biggest female singers in Japan. Who would have thought 1998 that Nana Mizuki would become this big. So once more happy birthday Nana-Chan!! 33 and still seems no more than 22 at the most! ( also I have now had this blog for a year )
WOW WOW hold the phone I cant stop yet!! I need to post this pics!!!
OK in that first pic that kid is why to happy to get to push Nana's butt! -_- but this bunch of pics are the ones you need to see.
That's just so cute! he gave her some chips! Am sorry cute little kid, am just jealous of you. ( for some reasons that will remain un-named! )
So once ( for real this time ) Happy Birthday Nana-Chan, have many many more.