Friday, January 20, 2012


Another post!! Part 2 of Nana Mizuki Live Fighter  Blue side. In 2007 Nana's Live Museum was the first time I so Nana live. After that if I was in Japan and had Time off work I was at her lives, assuming I was able to get a ticket and get a friend to go with me. I've seen her live 9 times. My seats at live diamond sucked but at her lesson 5 of her 2010 live academy my seats  rocked! I missed live journey and lost a auction for live castles tickets, if I had gotten that ticket I would have gotten on a flight to Japan in a heartbeat. I read on anther blog that some Nana "nub" got a ticket from a shop, if I had a 100% chance of getting one like that I would have gone. To the person I side was "nub" am just jealous of you. Anyway back to the original topic Nana's Live Fighter a 2 day show of Nana greatness. Blue Side opens with Nana flying over the crowd singing Astrogation.
Show opening.
Nana over the crowd

hope she doesn't fall.
My seats at blue side were  in the middle of the crowd just 3 rows from the center stage. The dvd of the live was ok, but if you can see her live go the experience is a one of a kind.  Her next song was "still in the groove".....hay this is becoming a review? No I should just get the torrent out!! Sorry to stop in the beginning but just watch the Live Dvd and you can see her greatness!!

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